clinica legale

European equality law review – numero 2/2020

Materiali - Redazione - 22 Dicembre 2020


Introduction on the state of play
Members of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equality in the United States
David B. Oppenheimer

Gendering the COVID-19 crisis: a mapping of its impact and call for action in light of EU gender equality law and policy
Birte Böök, Franka van Hoof, Linda Senden, Alexandra Timmer

Sanction systems in the light of EU Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC: a comparative study of Slovakia, Czechia and Poland
Jakub Tomšej

Some reflections on racial and ethnic statistics for anti-discrimination purposes in Europe
Yamam Al-Zubaidi

European case law update



Rivista Europea 2/2020

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