clinica legale

European equality law review – numero 1/2020

Materiali - Redazione - 6 Ottobre 2020



Introduction on the state of play

Members of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination

Strategic litigation: equality bodies’ strategic use of powers to enforce discrimination law
Emma Lantschner

A comparative study on collective redress in France, Norway and Romania: the challenges of strategic litigation
Marie Mercat-Bruns

Whose equality? Paid domestic work and EU gender equality law
Vera Pavlou

Online violence against women as an obstacle to gender equality: a critical view from Europe
Kim Barker and Olga Jurasz

European case law update
Court of Justice of the European Union

European Court of Human Rights

Key developments at national level in legislation, case law and policy


Rivista Europea 1/2020

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